Visualizing Data in FieldScope
FieldScope includes a set of visualization tools that can be used by project participants and site visitors to explore data geographically, investigate trends, conduct analyses, and communicate information by sharing saved visualizations with a wider audience. This article outlines the basics of the FieldScope visualization tool.
To access the tools, click on Visualizations in the menu at the top of the project page. You will see a list of My Visualizations if you have previously saved visualizations you created to your account. To create a new visualization, click the Create New button on the top right corner of the table.
The visualization tools are made up of filter sets and data displays. Filter sets may be combined with data displays to display a specific slice of a project’s data. Once you are in the New visualization tool, you will see a menu on the left-hand side with options to add a new filter set and add a new data display.
Filter Sets
A filter set is a slice of a project’s data that any user can create and save. When working in the visualization space, users can create many filter sets, to facilitate different views of the data. In a filter set, you can filter data by date, value, area, or participant type. Multiple filters can be combined in a filter set. We recommend naming a filter set before you save it. Filter sets can then be visualized in maps and graphs by applying them to one or more data displays. For more on filter set options, see our Creating Filter Sets article.
Data Displays
Data displays are visualization objects that users can add to a visualization work space. Data display options currently include: map, histogram, numeric summary, and time series. New data displays will be added in the future. For more on data displays, see this article.
Connecting filter sets to data displays
Any filter set available in your visualization can be connected to a data display you have created. To apply a filter set to a data display, click the edit button in the top right of a data display, and then in the dropdown options, select the filter set you want to display.
Organizing data displays in the visualization workspace
The visualization workspace can have one large primary data display and many sidebar data displays to the right of it. To switch the data display that is the large primary data display, click the pin icon on a small data display.
Customizing titles and descriptions
Any visualization you create can be saved if you are logged in to FieldScope. If you choose to make your visualizations viewable by the public, we recommend adding descriptions to your visualizations that will explain the scope of your visualizations to others. When you are in the edit mode of your visualization, click the edit button to update the name of your visualization. A description can be added or edited by clicking the information icon to the right of the visualization title.
Once saved, you can always access visualizations you have created in the My visualizations section of the tool. Make sure you are logged in to see your saved content.
Sharing your visualization with others
If you want to share your visualization with others, access it from your list of My visualizations and click on the three dots on the right-hand side to select the Copy Link option. Then you can paste the link anywhere you want to share it. Others will be able to load the visualization and interact with it.
You can also access the Copy Link option when you are editing the visualization.
Learn more about customizing different data displays here:
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